Relocating a business is no small undertaking. When it’s time to move things can get hectic real quick, and it’s easy to lose sight of what you really need in the new space. The team at recently moved offices around the same time that Square Cow Movers relocated in The Woodlands. We touched base with the owners of to compare office-moving notes. What we found was that there are some common questions that should be asked when picking out a new office no matter what industry you’re in.
Is There Room for the Team to Grow?
Location is always a factor, but for many business owners equal focus needs to be put on whether a space can accommodate growth. “We knew we wanted to be close to downtown, but we also wanted a space we could grow into,” says owner and CEO Andrew Marcus. “For a startup, planning ahead is key so we made it a priority to find a space big enough to accommodate not just our current employees but future ones as well.”
What Does Your Team Think of the Space?
People tend to be more productive in a space that they feel comfortable working in, which is why some owners consult with employees before pulling the trigger on a new place. For Andrew having a group consensus was crucial. “We wouldn’t have moved into a new office without the majority of, if not the entire, team being on board.” Everyone occupies the office, some more so than the business owners. It’s important to have a place that everyone enjoys being at 40 hours or so a week.
What Type of Work Environment Do You Want to Create?
Cows know there are lots of different barn configurations. Before you settle on a new space give some thought to the type of work environment you want to create. Do you want it to be wide open and collaborative? Does there need to be a certain number of individual offices for the higher ups? Are communal spaces important?
For Andrew and his team an open layout that allowed for easy communication and working across departments was critical. Come into the moving process with a clear idea of what you want for your future work environment, and you’ll have a more successful office search.
What Will We Do with All the Furniture?
At Square Cow Movers we know that office furniture is probably going to be the biggest challenge for a commercial move. But that’s because we’ve moved a lot of offices. Businesses must carefully plan out not only how they will move all their furniture but also where it will be in the new office and whether or not new furniture will be needed to fit a new space. Once found their new space they quickly realized that they would need new custom desks that were shipped in from Dallas. It’s just one example of how proper furniture planning is necessary for a smooth office move.
How Much Time Do We Need for the Move?
Oftentimes business owners underestimate the amount of time it takes to make an office move. “Overall the entire move took twice as long as we anticipated,” says Andrew. Take the time to map out a timeline that’s as detailed as possible. Now add at least 30% more time to that total, if not more. A move on its own can be stressful enough, but when you’re trying to keep a business up and running at the same time adding a too tight timeline on tops of things is a recipe for disaster.
One solution to overcoming time crunches is to hire professional movers that can handle the heavy lifting while you oversee all the logistics. Square Cow Movers has helped many local Houston and Austin businesses move into new spaces and we can help you too. You’ll save so much hassle and stress, you’ll have time for a few relaxing tennis lessons!
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