We want to take a moment to thank everyone that helped raise awareness and donations during Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Each year hundreds of thousands of women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Efforts over the last few decades to increase diagnostic testing and improve treatments have paid off, and now more patients are beating the disease. However, many patients still lose their battle after putting up a hard fight.
It’s critical that we keep pushing and making progress towards a cure so that our youngest generations will never have to fear breast cancer.
Proudly Wearing Pink
There’s more progress to be made, which is why the Square Cow Movers team got involved in Breast Cancer Awareness this year. If you live in the Austin or Houston metro areas you may have seen one of our movers, managers, employees or family members sporting a bright pink shirt with the message ‘Mooving with a Mission’. Throughout the entire month of October our entire team wore our pink proudly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s a simple, yet effective way to bring awareness to the breast cancer cause.
Donating to the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Battling breast cancer can be mentally, physically, emotionally and financially draining. Developing new treatments, therapies and drugs to combat the disease is a costly endeavor, but one that has to be made. Every day people help perfect strangers win the fight by donating their time and money to organizations like the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Susan B. Komen Foundation.
Support centers like the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas also rely on donations to make their valuable services possible. These organizations provide patients and their families with much needed support and information on treatment options. The goal is to empower patients to make the best decisions for their health and keep living a high quality life.
During Breast Cancer Awareness Month we donated $4,000 to the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas. This unique organization is staffed by breast cancer survivors that help recently diagnosed women get the information they need through online tools, educational seminars and support groups. Square Cow Movers also donated $1,000 to a local Austinite that is currently fighting breast cancer.
Breast cancer affects hundreds of thousands of people every year, including the Square Cow Movers family. Owner, Wayne Lombard’s wife is a breast cancer survivor, and it’s our mission to help others beat the disease too.
Even though October is over, there is plenty you can do to fight the battle against breast cancer. The Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas is always in need of volunteers, event hosts and donations. You can also give your time or make donations to the America Cancer Society.
Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/thanks-for-helping-move-breast-cancer-towards-a-cure/