
Creating a Storefront That Draws People In - Square Cow Moovers

Even though lots of business is done online these days there are still millions of brick-and-mortar stores that get a serious amount of foot traffic. How much traffic? Enough to generate $3.9 trillion in sales. That’s 94% of all retail sales!

It’s just as important as ever (if not more) to create an attractive storefront that attracts business. For many customers this will be their first impression of your company. It may even be the deciding factor in whether or not they step inside.

If you’re moving to a new business location it’s the perfect time to create a storefront strategy that attracts customers. Here are a few tips that are sure to get people through the door.

10 Tips for Storefront Success

To compete with online businesses you need to wow customers with a noteworthy shopping experience that starts before they even get inside.

Need help getting everything ready for a big business move in Central Texas or the Denver metro? Square Cow Movers can get everything to your new location so you can focus on creating an incredible storefront design. Give us a call or use the online form to get an instant moving quote!

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/creating-storefront-draws-people/