A new year can bring many changes, do you plan to move sometime in 2013? What if you could prepare to move in only one month. Moving can seem difficult and overwhelming, but if you break down the month into four weeks with individual tasks, you will find preparing for a move in one month very manageable!
Week One:
- Notify whoever you need to and make any necessary arrangements to ensure that you are ready to leave your former residence in 30 days and seamlessly move into your new place. If you are renting this might mean giving your landlord 30 days notice and signing a new lease.
- One month out means it’s time to schedule your moovers! This is one of the first things you need to do so you can ensure that your preferred movers (Square Cow, of course) are available on the day you want to move.
- Start your spring cleaning now! The fewer things you have to move, the easier the move will be. Purge anything you no longer need or use.
- Get out your tape measure and make note of the dimensions of your new place. Will your biggest piece of furniture fit through the doorway?
- Going, going, gone! If you are going to sell any larger items on Craigslist, post them now, so you have time to get rid of them for a decent price.
- Begin collecting packing materials and boxes now! If you want to save some money by getting boxes for free, start scavenging a month out. Check sites like free cycle for free boxes and put the word out to friends and family members that you could use any boxes.
Get busy, we will post your to-do list for Week Two next Monday!