moving - Square Cow Moovers
Since you got that piece of paper in your hand, signifying that you have a B.A. in Philosophy, you’re going to be kicked-out of the dorm and get a job in the bona fide world. While you decide which cab company you’re going to work with, you’re gonna need to get on the schtick and clear out of the small space that the college has provided while you minored in Egyptology.

Buh-Bye Collegetown

That lucrative gig with the Yellow Cab Company in Des Moines will allow you enough moolah to retain a pro to help you cart your stuff to the 1-bedroom apartment you’ve secured. You probably want to schedule a moving service a month-or-so before getting that valuable degree. After all, you’re now an expert in your field.

As you pack the precious stuff you’ve collected – the futon, your 55-inch flat screen tv, your T-Shirt from that reunited gig of the Archers of Loaf at The Cat’s Cradle in Carrboro, North Carolina.

All boxed, do not forget to clean-up after yourself. More likely than not, there’s some obscure policy you signed that said if you leave a mess the university will make it all tidy … and send you a bill. That means clean the carpet and replace any burned-out light bulbs, too.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

You might think you’re a big spender now that you’ve gotten the promise of employment. Tempted, you toss all of the furniture you collected. Think twice. You’re going to need a bed, some chairs and a desk. Get rid of the broken stuff, but moving into the new flat and sleeping on the floor for a couple of weeks will make you all cranky.

Square Cow Movers can pack your stuff or you can DIY. Boxes are pretty easy to come by. Take the car to a grocery store and look around the back. They’re made of strong stuff.

Check with the front office to see if you can get a sticker from the college that marks you as a member of the alumni. Out in the big world, folks that went to the same place you did when you were learning, are peanut butter.

Blow Out the Jams

You’re used to bullet points on a blackboard or a Power Point screen, right? Think of this as a quick lesson.

• Find someone to unload your plants, if you have any. They will not survive the move.

• Call the utility companies that serve you and shut things off. Good practice, have them pull the plug on the day after you’ve evacuated.

• Give the things you’re not taking along to charity. Get a receipt. You’ll now be filing taxes and moving deductions and donations are deductible.

• Go to the Post Office and file a change of address card. Also, phone your plastic credit provider to tell them your new address. You don’t want to mess-up your credit rating just as you’re dipping your toe into reality.

• Hit the Internet and book a room for any stops you’re making on the way to your new home. Likewise, grab a place for a couple of nights in the city you’re moving to. That way if there’s trouble on the road that wasn’t expected, you won’t have to sleep on the front lawn of your new abode. Check and double check while you’re cruising that the reservations have been confirmed.

• Since you’ll be driving while the movers are taking your things to your new hometown, have an emergency kit in the trunk. Recommended items:

o A safe container of gasoline
o Motor oil
o Anti-freeze
o Windshield wiper fluid
o A bag o’ snacks
o A couple of liters of Mountain Dew (or whatever you drink – maybe it’s just water)

• At the new location, have the movers put the boxes in the room where they belong. You did label the boxes, right? Good grad. You actually learned something while in college!