What are your goals for your business in the New Year? Is moving part of the plan? Then here are a few resolutions to make before you get a new home for your business.
Make a List of Pros and Cons for Your Current Office
You need a new office, but why? Identifying exactly what is and isn’t working in your current office will help you find a new space that meets all your needs. Start with what you like about your current office. These are the things you already know increase productivity, efficiency and enjoyment. When looking at new properties, these features should be high on your list.
Next move on to what can use improvement. What are the things about your office space that are holding you back or just not working? If a property has these issues then pass it up even if it’s got other enticing aspects.
Create a Detailed Inventory of Your Assets
The first step when packing is taking inventory of everything that needs to be packed. It’s a tedious task, but one that’s well worth doing and the reference can be handy to have long after the move. Along with the name of the item note:
- When it should be packed up (i.e. a week before the move, day of the move, etc.)
- What room/area it belongs to
- Packing materials needed
- Special requirements – for example, backing up data prior to packing up a computer
If something isn’t going to be moved to the new office that should be noted as well, along with what you plan to do with the item – gift, donate, use.
Ensure Your Finances are in Order
Property costs are a major part of any business’ expenses, whether you’re renting or buying. But a workspace also influences a business’ ability to make money. Before moving your operation you need to carefully look over your finances, making sure that you have the monetary resources needed for the move.
Do you have money saved up for either a deposit or down payment and closing costs? Can you afford a higher monthly payment if that’s what it takes to get the office space you need to improve your business? How could a different office space improve your revenue generation?
You’ll also need to account for moving costs – packing materials, fees for an Austin moving company, moving insurance and rental equipment. Put together a budget that can be managed and tracked throughout the entire move and a process for documenting all receipts.
Enlist the Help of Top Notch Pros
Taking on all the moving tasks yourself can be a full-time job that takes your focus away from the day-to-day activities of your business. The solution – enlist the help of a few professionals.
Austin Real Estate Agent – As the renter or buyer, getting help from a real estate agent won’t cost you a cent. Commission for the brokers involved in the deal is typically covered by the seller/landlord. Instead of costing you money, a good commercial real estate agent that knows the Austin market can save you money. They’ll have the resources needed to find the widest selection of office spaces, can negotiate the best deal possible and will do the leg work for you so that you can keep focused on your business.
Austin Moving Company – In the time it takes you to load, transport and unload everything, what could you have been doing for your business? An Austin moving company has the equipment and experience to get the job done efficiently and safely. You can also schedule movers over the weekend so there is no downtime for your business.
Austin Packers – Packing your office up isn’t just time-intensive, it can also be costly if it isn’t done correctly. Professional packers are practiced in tucking away even the most fragile equipment. They’ll also use specialized packing materials that are designed to offer the best protection for your assets. Some moving companies, like Square Cow Movers, offer additional packing services, which can be more cost effective and convenient.
Image Source: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Duct-tape_Moving_Van.jpg
Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/new-years-resolutions-for-businesses-on-the-move