
In August, Square Cow Movers wraps up the summer with family vacations and prepare for the new academic year by shopping for school supplies.  Parents of college-bound students also have the added joy of sending their grown-up calves off to college for the first time. Will you be taking your kid to school?  Do you remember when your parents took you?  One cow has her own story to tell.

UT Cow

Once upon a time I…I mean another cow I know…went to college out-of-state.  My…I mean her…her family was very proud that she got accepted into this prestigious and historic school. Her family was so excited that BOTH her parents and grandparents came to orientation, to help her move-in, set up her dorm room and say good-bye.  While this other cow appreciates her family and knows that they love her very much, she would encourage other parents to be supportive and excited for their college-bound students, but perhaps not so…embarrassing.

To help you with your own big send-off, here is some advice on what to expect on Mooove-In Day on campus!

Congratulations Mom and Dad, you did good!  Enjoy this achievement as parents of a college student.  Know that all of that hard work you did parenting is paying off, but you will always have the roles as Mom and Dad!

Original Source: : https://squarecowmovers.com/mooving-your-kid-to-college-what-to-expect-on-moove-in-day

Image Source: 2touraustin.net/2012/04/cow-statue-at-uts-university-co-op.html