
What to Look for When Buying a Family Home - Square Cow Moovers

When searching for a home, there are the obvious things to look for: like a certain number of bathrooms, bedrooms and a desired neighborhood.  However, there are many things you may not be thinking about: like water pressure, the foundation and the orientation of your home on the lot.  These hidden, or not so apparent, objectives of house hunting could help you find the best home for your family.

Have a home inspection done

There’s many things you can do yourself, but a home inspection is not one of them.  Let the expert weigh in when it comes to analyzing the foundation, wiring and any possible defects or necessary repairs.

Examine the location

Generally, when people refer to the location of a home they might be concerned with the school district, neighborhood and proximity to amenities, etc.  The location of your home could also relate to whether the home is in an area prone to flooding or wildfires.  Are the property lines clear?  Is there an easement on the land?  How close are the neighbors to your property?  The orientation of a house on a lot can affect the natural light it gets and the cost of heating or cooling bills.  The steepness of a lot may determine whether your kids can play in the driveway or if you can add a deck or addition onto your house.  Trees could be a major shade asset if you are purchasing a home in a warm climate, while a covered walkway may be important in an area that gets a lot of snow.

Establish an idea of how much repairs may cost

If you are not in the home building or construction industry, you may not really have an idea of how much home-related repairs or modifications may cost.  Getting quotes or exploring the costs of home repairs will give you a better idea of what you can afford when touring houses that may need some changes.  This may also help influence your decision on whether to buy an older home or a newer home.  An older home may have some expensive repairs on the horizon.

Pay attention to smells and sounds

It’s easy to pay the most attention to what you can see, but don’t forget to tap into your other senses. Can you hear highway traffic or other disruptive noises?  Does anything smell off? Unpleasant smells may signify a clogged sewage system, mildew, damaged tree roots or previous owners who smoked.

We hope these house hunting tips help you find your next family home!

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/look-buying-family-home/