
When you’re moving in Houston, Austin or anywhere else, shoes are one of those items that you don’t think about until it’s time to pack them up. Then you realize that it won’t be quite as simple as folding and boxing up clothes. Because of the odd shape, they can be space wasters. Because of their weight they can get heavy if they’re all piled into one big box. Because they can be expensive you might not want to just throw them in a box.


So how should you pack shoes so they don’t waste space, get too heavy or get messed up? Here are a few shoe packing tips courtesy of Square Cow Movers.

Pack in the Original Box

Like other household goods, such as computer parts and televisions, the best way to pack up a pair of shoes is in the original box they came in. But there’s a good chance that those got tossed soon after you bought the shoes, however, don’t fret! You can buy boxes specifically for shoes (a good idea if they are expensive) or wrap them in paper using the method outlined below.

Pack in Pairs

A general rule of thumb is to always pack your shoes in pairs. Even if more than one pair is going in a box you can keep a matching set together by rolling them up in a single sheet of packing paper. This will also keep them from rubbing up against other shoes and getting scuffed.

Here’s how to wrap a pair of shoes:

Optional Tip: Place a piece of tape at the edge of the paper to keep it from unraveling.

Now you have a nicely wrapped pair of shoes that won’t get scuffed up!

Save on Space by Packing in One Big Box

To maximize your space and minimize the need to keep track of a number of small boxes, pack numerous pairs in a single big box. Start by putting the shoe boxes in the bottom of the big box, heaviest shoes first. Stack the boxes as neatly as possible. Of course, not all shoe boxes are the same size so you’ll probably have gaps in between them. Fill the gaps with packing paper to keep things nice and level.

Next load in the wrapped shoes on top. Once the box is full, tape up the top of the box and label it properly.

A Few More Shoe Space Savers:

Depending on the type and number of shoes packed into a box it may be best to load the box onto a dolly to move it, or get the help of someone else to load it onto the moving truck. Follow the tips above and your shoes are sure to get to your new home without any of them disappearing or getting damaged during the process.

For more tips like these explore the rest of the blog or visit the Square Cow Movers Facebook page.

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/how-to-pack-up-shoes

Image Source: farm5.static.flickr.com/4093/5436843694_62437c1f8e_o.jpg