When Austin and Denver Align

When Denver and Austin Align

A huge part of the reason that Square Cow Movers expanded to Denver, Colorado is because Denver shares many similarities with the place where Square Cow Movers got its start—Austin, Texas.  Herd leader Wade Lombard commented, “Denver has a very analogous footprint to Austin.  The cities are comparable in size, demographics and median household income.  There seems to be a smilier DNA between Austin and Denver, for example, both cities have high tech industries”.  Wade is spot on when it comes to his observations about the two cities.  Using data from the United States Census Bureau we compare Denver, Colorado, and Austin, Texas.

Median Household Income

The median household income for Denver is $54,941, while the median income for Austin is $58,458.  According to gobankingrates.com the income needed to live comfortably in Austin is$53,225, while the figure for Denver is higher at $62,842. Both cities have great standards of living, but the cost of living comfortably in Austin is slightly lower.


Austin has a population of 912,798 and growing while Denver has a smaller population of 663, 862. The infrastructure in Austin has not been able to keep pace with the growing population meaning that Austinites are more likely to experience the daily frustrations of traffic or a more competitive rental / housing market than that of Denver

Median Age

The median age in Denver is 34.2, while the median age in Austin is slightly lower at 32.6.  Both cities have a young workforce and are home to universities like the University of Texas and the University of Colorado Denver, which help to foster a young population.

Most Common Jobs

Both Austin and Denver have the same most common jobs by number of employees—executives, retail supervisors and administrative supervisors.


The most common industries in Austin by number of employees are professional, scientific, tech services; educational services; and retail trade.  While the most common industries in Denver, by number of employees are healthcare & social assistance; professional, scientific, tech services; and accommodation & food service.  Both cities share strong trades in the professional, scientific and tech services industries.  However, Denver is geared more towards a tourism industry while Austin is stronger in educational services.

Median Property Value

In Austin the median property value is $234,800 and the median property value in Denver is $263,900.  44.7% of the housing units in Austin, are occupied by their owner and Denver has slightly more owner occupied properties at 48.1%.

Commute Time

23.4 minutes is the average commute time in Denver and Austin’s average commute time is slightly better at 21.7 minutes.

After looking at this data it is easy to see why we help so many people move from Austin to Colorado and vice versa. If you would like to do your own analysis between two cities, we strongly recommend:http://datausa.io/,this site will help you easily visualize the data.  And if you would like to move from one city to another, we strongly recommend you contact us!

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/austin-denver-align/