For all those young cows who are separating from the herd and setting off on their own for the first time we have created a list of what you really need. Sure it’s fun to imagine a pantry full of only the foods you like and getting to put a comfy chair wherever you want, but there are some things on this list you won’t want to forget.
- Toilet Plunger- Buying this might rank up there with buying adult diapers on the scale of embarrassment, but boy will you be glad you have this simple implement when you (or a guest) need it!
- Trash Cans- It’s all about the details, don’t forget one for each bathroom and one by your desk!
- Shower Curtain or Liner- There’s nothing like going to take a shower for the first time in your new place, when oops water everywhere all over the floor.
- Curved Shower Curtain Rod- Because who wants that weird-phantom-somebody-is-following-me-stick-to -your-leg-thing that shower curtains excel at doing.
- Blinds/Curtains/Window Treatments- Hello Neighbors! No, I will not be providing a free peep show every evening. Don’t just hang up a sheet either, you’re an adult now, so act like one. That means real window treatments!
- Crock-Pot or Rice Cooker- So many meals can be made with these two little appliances!What do you consider essential for your first home?
What do you consider essential for your first home?