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Square Cow Movers is proud to announce our newest moo-nitiative campaign, “Just say Moo”.  We have a favor to ask of all our fans, followers, and fellow like-minded bovine folks.  Whenever you see a Square Cow Truck, just say “moo”.

If you are driving in your car by yourself and see a Square Cow Truck say “moo” out loud, even if you feel silly at first.  If you spot a Square Cow Truck in the drive way of your new neighbors’ home, just say “moo” out loud, even if you are in the middle of hosting a dinner party.  Soon “mooing” at the sight of a distinctive Square Cow Truck, notable for its black spots, will be second nature.

Help us to make “moo” a part of everyone’s daily routine and in the process increase awareness of the Square Cow brand!  Reports of the success of this brand new moo-nitiative are already pouring in.  Our illustrious herd leader reports that he has received numerous texts simply stating “Moo”.  Even though he may have trouble replying (he has difficulty texting with his hooves), we encourage all Square Cow lovers to “moo” in whatever format they feel comfortable.  We will accept “moo” posts to our Facebook wall, “moo” tweets”, or even pictures of the Square Cow Truck on our Facebook page!

Remember, just say “moo”!