In case you haven’t got the memo, Moo-ther’s Day is next Sunday, May 12! Did you know that behind Christmas, Mother’s Day is the 2nd biggest gift-giving holiday of the year? Do you know what you’re going to give your Mom? Besides flowers and a card, a sincere hug and an appreciative thank you might be a Mom’s most favorite gift. To help you get in an appreciative moo-d and remember all the great things your Mom does for you, here’s why cows are great moms!
- The Cow-Calf Connection- Many cows look alike with very similar coloring, but how does a calf know which one is mom? Mother cows have a short, low, quiet moo meant only for her calf. The calves know their moms by the sound of voice!
- Maternal Instinct- Mother cows have a strong, natural maternal instinct, especially older, experienced cows. Sometimes a first-time mother cow may be a little unsure, but it’s not long before the bonding process takes effect!
- Fostering- Oftentimes a mother cow that has lost her own calf will adopt an orphan calf to foster and raise as her own!
What makes your mom a great mother? Share a photo or comment with us on our Facebook page! Happy Moo-ther’s Day!