Thanksgiving is in two days! By now you probably already know your travel plans, around when you will get from point A to point B, and whether you will be arriving by train, plane or automobile. But how in the world will you survive in between? Holidays can be stressful because airports and roadways are busy and family members of all ages are traveling together en masse. Whether you will be flying with your whole family or caravanning by car, here are some tips to help you get through holiday travel.
Baby’s First Flight – The only thing worse than sitting next to a crying baby is being the parents of a crying baby, wishing you could melt into the floor of the metal tube you are stuck on with 148 other people. One of the smartest ideas we have seen circulating the internet is for parents of young children to give a peace offering to passengers seated next to their family. Package some candy and ear plugs in a plastic bag, along with a note asking for forgiveness in advance, and pass them out to everyone sitting around you. A little preliminary goodwill will hopefully go a long way, before the first signs of any crying.
- Back in My Day – Old crone cow will now make an appearance to talk about “kids these days and all their newfangled gadgets,” commenting, “Road trips aren’t what they used to be. We didn’t have video screens and DVD players in the back seat, we were lucky if we got to listen to our preferred radio station.” This is a stereotypical portrayal of older family members, but all too often the elderly are not seen as the asset that they are. Encourage your kids to connect with their grandparents by showing off their favorite toys, and let grandma entertain the kiddos for thirty minutes. This will help form a stronger bond across generations, and grandparents will enjoy lending a hand. Be sensitive to the comfort levels of older family members, though, and consider that grandpa may tire quicker.
- Bribery – If your children still aren’t entertained with iPhones, personal tablets, movies or games, you may have no choice but to resort to bribery. Buy some inexpensive puzzles, coloring books or games and wrap them. For certain milestones (100 miles, 200 miles, etc.), you can bring out the surprises and entertain the kids for a bit.
- Reindeer Games – Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to play a game called “Christmas.” The purpose of “Christmas” is to keep your kids from whining, complaining and fighting with each other. Each child who is old enough can play independently against the “parent team.” This seasonal game only works from November to January. During the holiday season, people love to decorate their homes, yards and roofs with colorful displays and lights. For the especially jolly with extra Christmas spirit, decorations even extend to their car. Surely you have seen cars with Christmas wreathes on the front, at the very least a red bow, or perhaps even a vehicle decked out with antlers and a red Rudolph nose. The first person who sees a car with a Christmas decoration should yell out, “Christmas!” Every “Christmas” garners that player $1. If a parent yells “Christmas” first, then the parent gets to subtract $1 from the kids’ tally. This will have your children glued to the window, carefully watching other cars for any hint of red, green or Christmas decor. As the parent driving, you have a distinct advantage because you will already be watching the road and other cars. Kids will be too busy competing with one another and the “parent team” to whine and complain. In case you’re worried that this game might teach your little ones to become greedy, competitive, money-hungry capitalists during a season known for sharing and giving, there is a twist to the game. When it comes time for the parents to pay up (if the kids don’t have a negative score), each child must take their share of the money and pick out a gift for a sibling! As an alternative, the entire family can tally up their totals and purchase gifts for a shelter or make a donation to their favorite charity.
We wish you happy and safe travels during the holidays! Do you have any traveling tips? Share them with us!
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