Square Cow Moovers - Your Professional Moving Company

5 Things You Must Do If Moving in The Summer - Square Cow Moovers

Any professional moving company can tell you summer is the season for relocating. Families don’t want to move kids in the middle of the school year, and moving in the summer isn’t as rainy or snowy as other seasons. Plus, summer is the peak real estate season so buyers are more likely to be in the market and ready to move.

If you have a move coming up in the next few months now is the time to start planning. There are lots of things to get done, but make sure you don’t overlook these five summer moving essentials below.

Line Up Service Providers and Rentals ASAP

Because more people are moving during the summer, service providers get booked up further in advance. Rental equipment, trucks and storage units are also in high demand. In heavily populated areas we recommend you reserve services and rentals at least a month in advance. However, if you need to move on the weekend or a specific day it’s best to book about two months out.

Stay Hydrated           

We help people move all over the country, whether they’re moving to Denver, Nashville or anywhere in between. Our movers can tell you firsthand that in some areas it’s easy to get dehydrated during a summer move. Dehydration can create a very dangerous situation that could require hospitalization.

Prevention is easy – drink plenty of water before you start moving and keep drinking to replenish the moisture you lose. But during a hectic move people often forget. To remind yourself:

Plan Your Routes Carefully

Every summer millions of people hit the road for vacations with family and friends. Unless you live near a large school, you can expect traffic and congestion to pick up during the summer months.

The more people there are on the road the better your route planning will need to be. As a rule, try to avoid rush hour during the week and skip moving on days around a holiday. Whenever possible try to avoid highways from 8am to 8pm and use another route if it doesn’t add much mileage. You can also try and make a fun trip out of the route, here is a good way to use the Google trip planner to plan ahead.

Check Out Utility Rates and Set Up Service

During the summer at our Austin headquarters, the AC is continuously humming. Cost of living is great in Austin for the most part, but during the summer electric bills come with a little sticker shock.

Taking the time to set up utilities in advance is more important during the summer than any other time. For one, moving is expensive. The more you can save on the electric bill right off the bat the better. Second, moving into a home without AC isn’t so bad during the fall or winter, but once May rolls around it can make the tail end of the move absolutely miserable.

Have a Yard Sale

During the spring and summer bargain hunters are out in full force looking for yard sale deals. It’s the perfect opportunity to purge before you pack while making a little extra cash for the move. You can even get your neighbors involved for a block yard sale that attracts more attention. Planning the yard sale will also give you a reason to hang out with neighbors one last time before you leave.

Want to relax this summer instead of sweating your move? Square Cow Movers specializes in stress-free moving whether it’s across town or across the country. Give us a call today or use the online form to get an instant moving quote!