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How a Powerful New Website Can Change Your Business

Square Cow Moovers recently got a new and improved website!  Christopher Jennings, the Director of Web Operations at Alter Endeavors, oversaw the creation of Square Cow’s new site. Jennings knows firsthand the importance of a well-branded, responsive site that can help businesses flourish with the power of inbound marketing. We had the opportunity to ask Jennings a few questions about the process of creating a new website for Square Cow and how other businesses can grow their brands through an intentionally designed site.

How would you describe the process of creating a website— from inception to going live to a client?

CJ: We take our clients through a process that’s been honed for best results. Simply put, we follow two tracks, content and design, until we reach the third—development. While the framework of the process is established, the process is organic. At the end of the process our clients have told us they not only have a great site, but a better understanding of what it is they do; our website building process focusses the message to the client.

What attributes / elements make a website great? What are the essential elements for a powerful website?

CJ: The sites we build are the gathering place for our clients’ online presence. This aggregation not only serves the client by empowering the site visitor to interact with them through all of the business’s marketing channels, but also makes the search engines super happy. The more relevant content you can point to—and feature on—your site, the better results you get. It’s important to point out, it’s not a game we’re playing; talking about what you offer, being authentic about who you are as a business…the customers and the search engine robots can tell! Fresh content adds to your credibility; featuring information the visitor needs where they expect to find it—and more importantly—getting the visitor to ACT on it: these are some of the essential elements of a powerful site.

How do you illustrate the Square Cow Moovers brand on a website?

CJ: Square Cow Moover’s branding is a lot of fun. The cow has become a highly visible part of their branding efforts as their trucks roll around town. It was crucial to retain and build upon brand recognition, so it’s featured prominently throughout the site, it greets you at the top of every page. We also played with it a bit with the fun silhouette in the footer of the site. It serves as a watermark on the interior pages.

What made the Square Cow Moovers website different from others?

CJ: The Square Cow Moovers brand is this delicate balance of whimsy paired with one of the most reliable and credible companies I’ve encountered. They are a company with a mission and we felt we needed to represent the “heart” of the company on their site. So, we needed to represent fun, but not silly. Rock solid, but not serious. I’m confident in saying we achieved that balance.

What was the most challenging aspect of creating the Square Cow Moovers website?

CJ: I would say the current multiple locations and building a site that can accommodate a company that is actively growing and expanding. We’ve put together a framework that can expand.

How does the Square Cow Moovers website better serve their intended audience?

CJ: The functionality of the site was further focused to put the information the prospect needs in their hands. With multiple locations, there was an added challenge, but all paths lead to the visitor reaching out to Square Cow Moovers, whether by phone, email, or through the instant quote tool.

What sorts of things should a business owner have in mind when considering a new website or a website revamp?

CJ: The primary questions is: Is your site optimized for mobile? Search engines now place mobile compatible sites higher in their mobile rankings. Is the site responsive? Does it resize to fit the device the visitor is using? After those basic questions are answered, what does the business owner need from the site? Think about the three prime actions they want the visitor to make. Focus on those. The website is no longer an online brochure of services, but a vital point of interaction with the visitor.

What do you wish a client knew or understood about the website creation process? 

CJ: Most of all that it’s a process that needs to be guided by people who know what they are doing. You can go and buy a WordPress template, or you can sign up for a template hosting platform; the commercials make it look so simple. First off all, the tools have a large learning curve. (Don’t get me started on the number of those sites and templates we’ve been paid to fix for folks.) The biggest deal, however, is there is a very specific psychology behind effective websites. The elements need to be in the right places, expressed in the right way, for the site to get the best results with its visitors—and more importantly—the search engines.

How can a powerful website positively impact a business?

CJ: A powerful website helps a business by helping them be found when people are looking for them. A powerful website builds the credibility of the person or business it represents. A powerful website inspires action, and action means business.

What is your favorite element of the Square Cow Moovers website?

CJ: Honestly? Square Cow Moovers, the company itself, is my favorite element. I’m a huge fan of how they do what they do. At the end of the day, we’re advocates for our clients. I’m always excited to work with new clients and learn about what they do and who they are. Seeing their sites go up begins a new era for the company—just awesome.


Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/how-a-powerful-your-business/