
home office work6 - Square Cow Moovers

If you have a move coming up and are dreading packing and preparing, don’t put it off any longer.  What if we told you that you could start packing for your move right now without leaving your computer?  Make it your goal to start preparing for your move today!  “Packing” doesn’t necessarily have to mean putting physical objects in a box, you can start virtually moving today.  By “packing” virtually we mean organizing your photos and backing up your files.  Before your move is a great time to back up files and digital photos so that you have peace of mind that nothing important will be lost.  This is also a great time to organize your files and photos and discard any unnecessary ones.  You will probably be de-cluttering everything else in your home, so why not spend some time removing nonessential files and photos.  There are multiple options for backing up your computer such as an external hard drive that you can purchase. You can also use an online storage service like Carbonite.  Cloud based storage solutions such as Dropbox are also a great solution.  What are you waiting for, it’s time to start moving virtually!