When is the last time you visited an art museum? If you are new to the Austin area or have never visited the Blanton Museum of Art, 2013 is your year to get in touch with the cultural side of Austin. Sure your kids are exposed to museums through mass school field trips, where everyone comes in a giant yellow bus and are then herded through the galleries. Heck you may have even been a chaperone on one of these field trips. However, there is a huge difference in experiencing a museum as part of a large organized group and as a family of individuals. An art museum may conjure up an image of a stuffy white-washed space where everything is off-limits. A closer perusal of the Blanton Museum of Art’s website will reveal diverse offerings for the whole family. Did you know that on the third Thursday of the month, the Museum stays open until 9PM and people are encouraged to do yoga in the galleries? There is even a special section “Tips for Parents” that will aid you in helping your kids to enjoy art. A leisurely visit to the Blanton Museum of Art as a family will allow your children to explore at their own pace, revisit a favorite painting if they like, and see their parents enjoying a cultural experience. For more information: http://blantonmuseum.org/