Moving can be bittersweet when the holidays come around. Oftentimes we create traditions during the Holidays based on our living situation. Perhaps you used to go to the grandparents’ house every year. But now that you have moved, going to Grandma and Grandpa’s is no longer an option. So, what are you left with? You don’t know how to make Grandma’s famous Lime Jello Salad. Instead, you have a lot of free time on your hands come Christmas morning.

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Perhaps it’s time to create some new Holiday Traditions. A lot of folks here in Austin, for example, chow down on tamales and cinnamon rolls while the kids tear open their presents. Try inviting a new friend to go see the Trail of Lights with you. Get involved with one of the many children-oriented philanthropy groups in Austin, and volunteer some of your resources for those less fortunate. Every year the Tran-Siberian Orchestra rolls through Austin, and that’s an incredible experience. Go Quote Along with Elf at the Alamo Draft House. Or, like us, your office manager dresses up in a cow outfit wearing a Santa suit in order to hand out Christmas bonuses to all of our incredible workers. These are just a few of our favorite things, and there are many more where these came from.

For those of you who are reestablishing yourself this holiday season, take some time out of your busy holiday schedule to plan some new traditions for your new home. All traditions have to start somewhere. We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend. Merry Christmas from everyone here at Square Cow Movers!