
Nashville - Square Cow Moovers

Summer is a popular season for families to move so that kids can spend the summer settling in before starting school.  Kids that experience a summertime move don’t have an opportunity to connect with peers at school which provides a readily built-in social network. Parents can help their kids get connected before school starts in the Nashville community.  Try some of these Nashville activities this summer to connect with your new community!

Vanderbilt University Dyer Observatory Telescope Nights

Telescope nights occur on the second Friday of every month.  The Dyer Observatory has an “open house” format during these events so members of the public can look through the telescopes and ask astronomers questions.

Link: https://dyer.vanderbilt.edu/entertainment/teaching-telescopes/

Nashville Zoo

The Nashville Zoo is a popular attraction for families to visit year-round. The Zoo also offers camps for kids with a wide-range of interests and needs from Zooper Heroes Camp for special needs children to Veterinary Camp for teens interested in zoo veterinary science.

Link: https://www.nashvillezoo.org/

Natchez Trace Parkway

The Natchez Trace Parkway is a scenic road and National Park with opportunities to visit historic sites and engage in activities like hiking, biking and horseback riding along the way.

Link: https://www.nps.gov/natr/index.htm

Cheekwood Botanical Gardens

Cheekwood is an estate with a Georgian mansion and acres of garden.  Kids from ages 2-15 can participate in summer camps on the site.

Link: https://cheekwood.org/

Gaylord Opryland Hotel

The Gaylord Opryland is a great place to explore on a hot day in the summer as you walk around and explore the many restaurants and attractions.

Link: https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/bnago-gaylord-opryland-resort-and-convention-center/overview/

Discovery Center

The Discovery Center is a place where kids can explore and engage their minds.  When school is out, summer camp at the Discovery Center is in!

Link: http://explorethedc.org/

YMCA of Middle Tennessee

Connect with your local YMCA to find tons of local programs for families and kids!

Link: http://www.ymcamidtn.org/programs

We hope you will enjoy getting plugged in to the Nashville community this summer with your kids! And as always, if you need moving help, contact our Nashville Branch today.