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When a person decides to buy a home there are a few factors that are usually considered. Commute time is one of those factors.

It’s not just about quality of life. A long commute can be expensive when you consider the cost of gas, vehicle depreciation and maintenance. The National Association of Realtors 2018 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellersfound that commute costs were particularly important to young, first-time buyers. Over one third of buyers 37 and younger rated commuting costs as a big purchase factor.

If your current commute is killing you moving to a new house is a chance to decrease the drive time. Here’s what to consider in terms of commuting before settling down in greener pastures.

Decide How Far is Too Far

The first thing you’ll want to decide is your commute threshold. For some people it’s 15 minutes and others are happy if they can get to and from work in less than an hour. (The average commute time in the U.S. is 25.4 minutes.) Once you’ve decided on a maximum commute time you can begin narrowing down the neighborhood options to only those that fall within the ideal range.

Know What Time Traffic is the Worst (and If You Can Adjust Your Work Hours)

Rush hours are similar in most metros, but it can vary depending on where you live. Knowing when traffic is the worst in the morning and afternoon could help you reduce the commute time. Adjusting your clock in and clock out time by just 30 minutes could be enough to avoid the worst of it.

Research Alternative Routes

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The shortest distance between a house and the workplace may not be the best commute time, particularly if it requires getting on a busy highway. Take the time to research all possible alternative routes to figure out the best option when traffic is at its worst. You may be surprised to find that taking a few backroads significantly cuts the commute time.

Explore Public Transportation Options

Using public transportation could lower the cost of commuting and may even make the commute quicker since buses can use HOV lanes and rails aren’t stuck in traffic jams. Another benefit to using public transportation is that you can get work done while you commute. Phones and tablets make it easy to check email, read documents and knock out other work tasks that you’d otherwise do in the office.

How Much Stress Commuting Creates

Battling traffic can be stressful. That stress can lead to serious health problems. A study from Washington University found that people with long commutes were more likely to have high blood pressure, lower fitness levels and increased risk of being overweight.

Shortening your commute could mean buying a smaller house or a fixer instead of a home that’s move-in ready. But if a long commute stresses you out a few other sacrifices could be worth it to improve your health.

Once you’ve found a new home with a better commute, Square Cow Movers can help you make a stress-free local move. We can even provide packing services that will make your move quick and easy. Give us a call or use the online form to get an instant moving quote.