We say garage sale, but it’s an understatement. This is not your typical Saturday morning foray into suburbia. The Settlement Home for Children here in Austin, Texas hosts perhaps one of the largest garage sales in Central Texas. Goodwill eat your heart out. All year long they collect gently used items from your standard blenders and toasters to bikes, to clothes, to a whole smorgasbord of other things. Thousands of items are amassed, catalogued, priced, boxed and separated out based on category to various areas of their very own on-site warehouse. The warehouse is a huge, split-level building with conveyor belts crisscrossing the entire upper floor. In other words, it’s impressive, and it’s all dedicated to one weekend. November 2 – 4th the Palmer Events Center is transformed into a massive bazaar of fantastic finds.
Of course, they need to move all of their wares from the warehouse to the Palmer Event Center. So, last Saturday 10 Square Cow Movers and 2 Square Cow Trucks headed out to join about 200 other volunteers early in the morning. We started at 8 AM and worked through the day to help load and unload truck after truck. It was awesome and humbling to work alongside so many people who gave their time and energy for this incredible organization.
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