
Water bottles

When movers are laboring away for the good part of a day proper hydration and nutrition are a must to get the job done. But do homeowners need to supply the moving day refreshments? In this post we’re answering some common questions related to providing (or not providing) movers with food and drinks on moving day.


Do I Have to Provide Lunch for the Movers?

The short answer is no. All professional movers should bring their own food and drinks to graze on, but if you would like to treat them then that is all up to your discretion.


If I Treat My Movers to Lunch What is the Best Food?

If you decide you’d like to treat your movers to lunch it’s important to keep in mind they’ll be moving around and working up a sweat. Focus on foods that will help movers keep their energy levels up and aren’t overly rich or heavy on the stomach. A few options include:


Should I Have Extra Water on Hand?

Having water on hand is never a bad idea, especially when you’re making moves in Texas during the sweltering summer months. The movers should bring their own beverages to stay hydrated during the move, but if you want to provide a few extra bottles of water or sports drinks it will be appreciated. If your utilities are still on you can also just get some plastic cups so the movers can get water as needed from the faucet.


Is it a Good Idea to Offer Movers Coffee?

If you want to offer the movers coffee that’s perfectly fine, particularly if it’s a winter morning. It’s a common misconception that coffee dehydrates the drinker. In actuality coffee is basically as hydrating as water. The caffeine in coffee will also help to provide a little extra energy.


Should I Ask the Moving Company About Their Policies Beforehand?

If you’re unsure about whether or not you should have food or drinks on hand it’s always a good idea to ask your moving company about their policies. They can also provide advice on what types of food and drinks to get if you want to treat the movers as well as if any of them have food allergies to watch out for.


Whether or not there are refreshments on hand Square Cow Movers will put time and energy into helping you get everything settled into your new home. We appreciate you putting your trust in us – everything else is a bonus!

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/qa-providing-refreshments-for-movers-on-moving-day/