
When you move into a new place, your first priority is unpacking, your second priority is organizing and your third priority may be decorating.  After you have comfortably arranged your home’s interior, you may then turn your attention to your home’s exterior.  Creating an appealing yet hardy landscape for your home will enhance your home’s appearance and help you feel more invested in your new home.

If you have lived in Central Texas for any period of time, you have probably become acquainted with the plant-eating, garden-destroying, landscape-demolishing deer.  We don’t mean to be too harsh or critical of deer, after all we eat our fair share of grass and greenery (supplemented with maize, feed and cereal, of course).

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One of the major differences between cattle and deer is that we know how to stay within our enclosures.  Deer don’t give a second thought to jumping over a fence, bounding over landscaping or leaping over bushes.  If deer are hungry enough, your garden and greenery are toast.  If you begin planning your landscape with deer resistant plants, you stand a chance at thwarting the deer.  We recommend the following native plants that are deer resistant.


Small Trees/ Large Shrubs:



Yuccas/ / Agaves / Succulents / Cacti

Ornamental Grass



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If you thought landscaping with deer resistant plants was going to be limiting, we hope that this comprehensive list of plants native to Texas proves you wrong.  We admit we had to reread some of the crazy names a few times, but don’t let that deter you from trying one out.  Maybe if all yards were full of deer resistant plants, deer, humans and cows could all live together in peace and harmony.  Just don’t expect us to break into song the next time we run into Bambi.

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/landscape-with-deer-resistant-plants

Image Source: c27980.r80.cf1.rackcdn.com/easterniowalife.com/162436/deer.jpg