
10 tips for packing and storing your Halloween decorations and costumes.

Packing the Decorations, Unless You…

The Great Pumpkin Question

What do you do with them after Halloween? We know you aren’t going to actually pack up your pumpkin and save it for next year, but Jack-O-Lanterns are some of the most popular Halloween decorations!  Here are 6 ideas for what to do with your Halloween pumpkin.


We don’t have to tell you how to take care of your Halloween candy, simply eat it and enjoy. By the way stealing your favorite candy bar from the kids’ stash is totally legit. Just consider it a special tax on kids during Halloween. DO NOT SAVE YOUR CANDY FOR NEXT YEAR!!! That’s gross and hazardous. And don’t you dare save it to pass out to kids next year, or the Cow will come sit on you.

And on that note MOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo…. (We are practicing being cow ghosts) moooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo

Have a super happy and safe Halloween everyone!

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