
For Rent sign

Moving out of a home you own into a rental can be an emotional process that requires some substantial adjustments. Whether you’re having to sell your home, moving into a new city or just looking for a change of pace in this article we’ll discuss the key differences between a home you own and a rental as well as how to handle the change.


Differences Between a Home You Own and a Rental

House, condo, townhome – any type of home can be either owned or rented. Both living situations have their benefits and their drawbacks with some people preferring one over the other for many reasons. Here’s a look at a few of the top differentiations.

A Home You Own. . .

A Home You Rent. . .


How to Handle the Move Into a Rental

Leaving home ownership behind can drum up all sorts of feelings from sadness to relief. It’s important to remember your time in your old home, but try to keep focused on the memories that are down the road once you make a move.

Look at the rental as an opportunity. It gives you a chance to try on an area, type of home or price range to see if it’s a good fit before you commit to buying a similar property. You can also keep an eye on the housing market without worrying about what it’s doing. Instead you can study things to figure out if and when home ownership will be in the picture again.

Get creative with your decorating. There are plenty of ways you can turn a bland rental into a space that reflects your personality and tastes. Ask the landlord how much flexibility there is with painting, changing out fixtures, hanging up pictures, etc. Usually if you keep the old hardware, light covers and whatnot all you’ll have to do is replace everything whenever you’re ready to move.


When it’s time to move into a rental give Square Cow Movers a call. For years we’ve helped people get settled into houses, apartments, duplexes and more around the entire Central Texas area.

Original Source: https://squarecowmovers.com/how-to-handle-moving-from-a-home-you-own-to-a-rental/